
Posts Tagged ‘NWU’

Unsurprisingly, the winner is natural gas.

A new report ranks eight key energy industry sectors based on their ability to meet the growing demand for affordable, reliable, and clean electric power generation.

As governments around the nation attempt to impose a transition from traditional energy resources to energy sources open referred to as renewables, natural gas is the energy source that is best suited to integrate with the intermittency inherent in the use of wind and solar. Gas provides a reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean source of energy in both traditional and “carbon-constrained” applications.

Gas faces headwinds in the form of increasingly extreme net zero energy policies that will constrict supplies if implemented as proposed. Gas could also improve overall reliability if onsite storage was prioritized to help avoid supply disruptions that can occur in just-in-time pipeline deliveries during periods of extreme weather and demand.

MCPP-NWU Report Card

This blog has been saluting natural gas for years, most recently in this post. From an environmental standpoint, offshore natural gas production is particularly attractive, especially nonassociated gas-well gas.

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